

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pouring out my HEART today ...

I will TRUST in the Lord when all else seems to be falling apart.
I will SEEK HIS face even though I may be seeking thru a cloud of dismay.
I will DELIGHT in HIS Word and HIS Ways!

I will CHOOSE to believe that He is Good; He is Faithful; He is Merciful; and He is Just!
I will KNOW that He is all I need!

I will PRAY as He has asked me to - told me to!
I will PRAISE and give Him glory!


Father God,
I don't understand - I don't know why things happen as they do... why people get sick and die;
why there are accidents that take our loved ones away from us; why people lie and cheat and steal... My heart is heavy with the cares of this world -
BUT - I will CHOOSE to sing - along with David:

"YOU are my portion, O Lord. Open my eyes that I might see YOUR wonder. YOU are my refuge and my shield - my HOPE is in YOU. The wicked have set a snare for me and my loved one, but we will not stray from YOUR precepts... YOU are GOOD, and what YOU do is GOOD.
Uphold us , Lord...
Deliver us....
Trouble and distress have come upon us, but YOUR commands are our delight!"
And I pray we can say with authenticity - "It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn YOUR decrees."

Lord, You are the Master of ALL! I give YOU my PRAISE today! Teach me, Lord, Teach us! I am YOUR Servant, O God!
In the powerful Name of Jesus,

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