

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

LABARUM - revisited

As always, when Christmas time is in the air - I hear people discussing "keeping Christ in Christmas" and that it is "awful" to use XMAS - because that takes HIM out. SO NOT TRUE, dear ones!

On November 7, 2008 I posted a writing about the LABARUM .... a Greek symbol used to represent Christ for many, many years. If you go to the left of this page, find CHRISTMAS, click on it ... you will be taken to all the "Christmas writings" I have posted on this blog; then find November 7, 2008 to read the history of the labarum and what it means for us today!

I so want the world to keep Christ in Christmas. It is up to us - HIS followers - to make sure that happens by not getting caught up in the commercialism and materialism that the world sees as the reason for this holiday time! I LOVE this time of year! I LOVE to give gifts! I LOVE the Music and the Message! Let's focus on family and friends this year! Let's KEEP CHRIST as the "reason for the season" - as the saying goes!

Blessings on you, dear friends and loved ones!