

Thursday, March 17, 2011

By Faith....

By faith ........................ - put your name in there.....

Has God ever called you to a "place" where you did not know where you were going but you were obedient to your Father and went anyway? I believe that was what God did with me when I started writing for this blog a few years ago. The "place" was the computer / internet / blogging world. Oh, how He has blessed me thru this adventure. And I trust you have been blessed as well.

I so want to be obedient to Him.... no matter what that may look like to outsiders. My confidence and my strength will only come from a close relationship with my Father. My heart's desire is for women to understand that they are created by the hands of a loving God... one who desires to be in a relationship with them; For them to understand that their value and worth is from Him and Him only! I have tried to use this venue as a means to bring that Good News to the world. I believe we are all called to share the Good News! How exciting it is to do that with one who is searching; one who is hurting; one who is lonely; one who is rejoicing!

Dear Ones,
I pray that you ask God to provide you with opportunites to do just that! And if you are the one who needs someone to come alongside you .... ask Him to bring that person into your life - He will do that for you!

This life we live is exciting - even in the midst of turmoil; financial strain; health issues; conflict; and so on. Let Him be your Guide and your Director - and by faith .... step out and into whatever He has for you today!

Blessings on you!
Resting in HIM,

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