

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Camp Peniel - Ladies Spa Weekend

For a number of years a committe of committed Christian women have put together a yearly Ladies Spa Weekend at our local Christian Camp - Camp Peniel. Women will come to this event from all over the province and sometimes from other provinces... so for some it is a yearly renewal of earthly relationships, as well as with our God! And for others it is the beginnning of new earthly relationships - and a new relationship with God!

Peniel means "face to face with God" - over the years many women have come face to face with God in this most magnificent place.

Of course, a Spa weekend would not be complete without lots of food, fun and pampering!

Here are some of my blessings from this past weekend:

421. Hugs, Hugs, and more Hugs.

422. The lake - like a mirror - not a ripple anywhere.

423. Sunshine and warmth on Saturday - after a week of damp cold weather - God knew!

424. A star-filled night sky with a 3/4 moon.

425. Worshipping with my daughter.

426. Interpretive Dance - Amazing! Her testimony thrills my soul!

427. Karen - travelling the journey of breast cancer - surgery, treatments, and all that entails. Asking us to allow her to have a great weekend, thus revealing all to us at the very beginning! Such a courageous young woman.

428. Young teens working together as a team to clean up after us; set tables; wash dishes; and join in the fun with a skit and a game.

429. Holding a 6 week old baby girl! Oh, it's been a long time since these old arms have held a baby. So sweet and so precious! A miracle from above!

430. Fireworks - Amazing!

I so enjoyed this past weekend... and hope to partake in many more of the same.

Blessings to all you sweet readers out there...
Praying for God's Hand to be on you and for His love and joy to be in you!

Resting in Him,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September Counting....

I am awed by HIS Presence around me.... His Peace and His Joy!
He Blesses me so.... me who is so undeserving of His blessings!
He loves me - He loves you!
I pray that you too may see Him everywhere!

410. A weekend get-away with the girls.
411. Learning to color with Copics
412. The most magnificent rainbow I have ever seen - a full arch; bright colors; so close I could almost touch it!
413. Church on the beach.
414. Apple pie and ice cream
415. Laughter - so much laughter that the tears flowed!
416. New babies
417. Innocence of children
418. Madi saying, "I love you, Grammie."
419. A good nights rest
420. God's Presence in the midst!

Resting in HIM,

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Miracle of New Life!

I love this picture - this sweet little innocent babe being held in these strong, weathered hands!
A miracle for sure!

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you" Jeremiah 1:5
Oh my! He knows each one of us BEFORE we were conceived! How amazing is that?
Do you marvel at His love for you? His unfathomable compassion and grace?

Scriptures tell us that He even knows the number of hairs on our head!

As we hunker down and wait for Hurricane Earl to hit us with whatever he has on store.... rest in the knowledge that God is in control - focus on the miracles in your life - YOU being the main one. Give Him glory and praise and worship Him.

Blessings on you today!

Resting in HIM ----- *Ruthie*

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

counting higher....

I'm continuing to count my blessings...

400. Cool, morning air and sunshine

401. Madi saying to Grampie and me, "You guys laugh a lot."

402. Making pickles

403. The house smelling of pickles being made

404. Waking up to a crash of thunder and the rain coming down!

405. The morning after a rainstorm - freshness in the air.

406. Having hubby call me ``Dew``

407. a brand new puppy with those puppy-dog eyes

408. A fan blowing air on me

409. Meeting unknown women and making a connection with them.

Blessing to you, sweet readers!