Do you “do your own thing”?
What does that mean anyway?
I think about God and how he must get so discouraged with us when we step out of His path and “do our own thing” instead of waiting for “His Thing”...
I’ve shared this Scripture with you before but I am taken back there again this morning!
1 Samuel 3:11
And the LORD said to Samuel: “See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle.”
I truly believe that God wants to do “a thing” many times over in our lives that will make people’s ears tingle – people will know that whatever the “thing” was it could only have come from God! But I wonder – How often do we jump in the path of God’s plan and get in His way... not allowing Him to accomplish His Will for us?
I KNOW that I do this with Him.....
I do it with my family so why wouldn’t I do it with God?
It’s called “wanting to be in control” or “wanting to make sure something happens the way I want it too”.
Are you like this?
Let me tell you what happened in our lives just recently – this has so prompted me to be more conscious than ever about getting in God’s way!
Long story short –
I wanted a puppy for my Birthday which is coming up on the 16th – preferably a Yorkie -– told hubby this – his response was, “Well. Where will I find one?” so I began to look around and told him the name of someone who raised Yorkies.... at the same time, I talked with someone who raises another breed of little dogs. A few days ago hubby says, “How are you doing finding a pup?” So I assumed that he had done nothing. You know what ASSUME does! The bottom line – I was almost ready to commit to another breed – was showing him the email I had received – I was excited ... and he had to tell me what he had done. He had found a breeder of Yorkies; met with her; picked out a pup for me; and had pictures to show me on my birthday! HE – MY HUBBY – was “doing a thing” and I got in his way! He’s is SOOOO good to me!
I burst his bubble – he’s forgiven me though! Thank you, Lord!
WOW! I had to ask myself, “How often do I do that with You, Lord?”
That night he took me to see the pups and I’ve been back once since.... the good part of all this is that I know Jasper is coming to live with us in August; and I can visit him every day if I want to!
I tell you this so that you too may become more aware of when you step in the way of family or friends who want to “do” for you! But even more – so that you will learn to REST in the LORD – let Him do the work that needs to be done in your own life or someone else’s life.... don’t try to manipulate the situation or the person...
I really dislike the word “manipulator” .... but I guess I filled that role for a while this week! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May you find your REST in Him.... knowing that He is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient.
I Praise You, Father God.
I thank You, that YOU know the best for us!
Fill me with Your peace Lord, so that I may rest in You daily.
In Jesus Name,
Have a wonderful day!
Give it to HIM! Trust and Rest - in HIM!
Blessings and Hugs!
Here is Jasper Teddie [ JT ] at 17 days old ....
how precious is that... the only thing more precious would be a newborn baby!!!
Wow!! How often do we do that...get in God's way and get in other's way. I will remember that AND the times I have done it and determined not to again! JT will be a bright spot in all our lives! I am happy for you (and thankful for the wonderful "forgiving" husband you have!)