

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

“Life Verse”

What is your “life verse”?
I have spent the morning in town.... primping!
Hair, nails, pedicure...
On the way home I felt compelled to write about my life verse!
Actually I have 2 !

Before I left the house this morning I had to write a profile of myself to email to someone;
This is sometimes not an easy task.
At the end I told the gal I was writing to that
Philippians 4:8 and Colossians 3:17
were my life verses!
Where did that come from?
I have never before thought of these verses in that way....
but how true that is!

Here they are!

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.

Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

So – what is a life verse you ask?
It is -
a verse that defines your life;
that defines how God has worked in your life;
a verse you cling to in the darkest times of your life
or in the sweetest times of your life;
maybe it’s a verse that gives you inspiration
or direction;
a verse that has helped you to grow in your faith;
maybe to move you from being a non-believer to accepting Christ as your Savior.

I have never actually asked anyone what their “life verse” is –
But I now feel God prompting me to do just that!

Could you have guessed these verses for me from reading this blog regularly?
Could you have guessed these if you know me personally?
Oh, how I pray the answer is YES!

I want to CHALLENGE each one of you to contemplate your “life verse”;
meditate on the Word;
acknowledge why this verse(s) is special to you;
and then -
Thank your Heavenly Father for His Presence in your life!

I want to ask you to do something for ME!!!!!
I have a desire to collect some stories about our “life verses” and why they have meaning to us – so I am asking you to respond –
either by leaving a comment at the end of this post
or sending an email to thisistheday@ns.sympatico.ca

I am feeling called to “put out there” some writings as to how
God has worked in other people’s lives!
That means YOU!

I will keep your identity confidential –
however, if you leave a comment others will be able to read that.
How else can we spread the goodness of our God to the unsaved and the floundering
if we don’t tell our stories?

Dear Ones,
I pray for each one of you right now
that you will allow God to direct as to how He wants you to respond
Thank you so much for following this blog!
It is ALL because of HIM!

Blessings on each one of you this day!


  1. Beautifully written, I'm a fan of Life Verses. My own life verse inspired a Christian business. The first life verse that inspired me was Deut 6:5, I was reading my Bible before a doctor appt and this verse touched my heart. Later, at the doctor appt, a DVD was playing in the doctor's office and the doctor said the SAME VERSE. Chills touched my spine, I knew I was not alone and I knew God would walk with me in this journey. My child was then diagnosed with autism. Later, Deut 11:18 became my second life verse.

  2. Wonderful! I posted something about life verses some time ago. Here's a piece of that:

    One of my life verses (I have two) is found in Mark 9:24: "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" This is a verse I prayed repeatedly as I moved from unbelief to faith in Christ.

    More recently, I have adopted Psalm 63:3: "... your love is better than life." There is nothing better than God's love. Nothing. No, nothing.

    Thank you for the opportunity to share. So glad we crossed paths.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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