

Saturday, January 23, 2010

"And I Wait"

Here is a plea from David to God:
Psalm 5:1-3 (God's Word Translation)
Open your ears to my words, O Lord.
Consider my innermost thoughts.

Pay attention to my cry for help, my king and my God, because I pray only to you.
In the morning, O Lord, hear my voice.
In the morning I lay my needs in front of you, and I wait.

The words that speak to me today from this pslam are "and I wait".
The dictionary defines 'wait' -
1) to hold oneself ready for an arrival or occurence
2) to be in expectation of something

I, too, ask Him to hear my words, my pleas; to consider my thoughts. I, too, lay my needs at His feet..... but do I wait?
Do I stop long enough to hear from HIM?
Do I sit in stillness and wait for His voice to speak to me?
Is my mind focused on Him and not on all the things I have to or want to do today?
Do I hold myself "ready for something"?
Am I waiting to hear from Him?
Are you waiting to hear from Him?

We expect Him to listen to us and to answer our prayers - somehow - but do we wait on Him?
Do we wait in quiet expectation to hear from Him?

He wants to teach, to guide, to give direction to, and to love us. He wants us to grow spiritually, to draw closer to Him.
He will speak - I could tell you many times when I've heard His voice - in my spirit - in my heart - and in my head! As I say that I wonder how many times I've missed it because I've not been " "waiting" - instead I've been rushing.
I pray today will be a day of waiting for you
  • slow down - stop the rushing
  • be still - turn off the TV and /or the radio; or the voices oin your head telling you that you need to DO something.
  • read the Word
  • listen - listen to the Word; to fellow believers; to the Holy Spirit's promptings.
  • pay close attention

He WILL speak! You need to WAIT! Be on the alert! Thank You, Father for being patient with us! Have a blessed day today! May you KNOW that He has spoken to you today!

Resting in HIM, Ruthie

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