Luke 12: 22-34 and Matthew 6:25-34 record Jesus talking to his disciples regarding worrying. I hope you'll take some time today to read both of these portions of Scripture.
When I think of "worry" I am taken immediately to these Scriptures and the picture of a bird finding food and shelter... he or she doesn't worry about any of that - they know they'll be OK as long as the predators don't get them. If my feeder is empty then the gal up the road will have food for them! [Right, Em?]
Jesus says, "Yet God feeds them. You are worth more than the birds. Can you add an hour to your life by worrying?"
I cannot add any time to my life by worrying! All worry does is take away from the precious time I have been given today. Worrying says that I'm trusting in my own strength - not in God's!
Worry means I don't have enough faith to stand firm in HIM!
How are you doing in this area? Are you a worrier? Do you go over and over the "What Ifs" til you drive yourself crazy - or do you trust HIM to carry you and see you through?
I love this Scripture found in Matthew 6:34
"So don't ever worry about tomorrow. After all, tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Dear ones - focus on today with a Heart turned to Him and tuned in to Him! We're told He will carry our burdens for us - let HIM do that!
REST in Him... your Rock and your Strength.
I hope this "doodle" of mine will give you a visual of "not worrying"!
Blessings on you today as you learn to give ALL over to the ONE who knows you inside and out; the ONE who Loves you beyond anything you can imagine! The ONE who was with Daniel in the lion's den; The ONE who was in the furnace with the Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego... and the One who is right there along side of you!!!!
In Him
First of all your "doodling" surely must be called something else. It is quite remarkable! and about that "worry" thing, well that is a hard one! I can tell you the more I know about Jesus Christ and His promises, the less I do worry. His Word is Yes and Amen! Now we just need to be obedient! Bless you this day!