This past Sunday we sang this song during
our Praise and Worship time –
“What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see,
When I look upon His face, the one who saved me by His grace;
When He takes me by the hand and leads me to the Promised Land, What a day, glorious day that will be!”
How that song transported me back in time!
I was saved in a little country church 20 years ago...
Approximately 26 years ago I moved “way out” in the country –
Or so my friends thought!
It took me about 25-30 minutes to drive to work daily.
When I moved there I was not living for the Lord even though I had been “brought up” in the church.
About ¼ mile down the road was a small country church that had only been used for funerals for a few years.
As I would walk past the church I was reminded of God
and the teachings I had as a child.
Eventually, I went inside –
(yes! It was unlocked! Imagine that!)
I remember sitting there one day and praying...
for the first time in a long time!
I would do this frequently as time went on.
Time passed and one day a friend from “up the road” –
who had just been saved –
visited me and said she was interested in getting a local Pastor to come and open the church once or twice a month.
Her passion for God, for the lost, and her excitement in her new salvation – were contagious – I wanted what she had!!!!
There was an older lady (Marjorie) who lived a little farther “up the road” who was excited to have the church reopened
as well!
Eventually a congregation from about 10 miles inland came to our little community and ministered to us on a weekly
or bi-weekly basis.
God’s people were obedient to His call on their lives!
I am eternally grateful for their obedience –
if they had not .....???
“US” consisted of about 15 – 20 people –
our services were amazing!
I must tell you though, that it took another 2 years for God to really get a hold of me!
NO! Let me rephrase that.
God had a hold of me – it took me 2 years to
let Him have me!!!!!I fought with Him many times before I finallyadmitted I was nothing without Him!
And accepted His free gift of salvation and eternal life
with HIM!
Marjorie became a very dear friend –
She loved music and years before had played the piano -
she now began to play the keyboard at our services!
[Can you see where I’m going with this?
I’ve been long-winded today haven’t I?]
Her favourite chorus was “What A Day That Will Be”!
She loved the LORD with all her heart –
She would stand at her backdoor, facing the eastern sky –
looking for a sign of His return!
As it happened, she became ill and eventually was taken to the hospital for the final time!
I – and others who loved her dearly – had the privilege of being with her as she met with Jesus –
as He took her by the hand and led her home!
We stood around her bed and sang this chorus – and even though she was not conscious at the time – I have no doubt that her spirit knew we were there, singing her into heaven!
Can you imagine it?
Meeting Jesus face-to-face?
Having Him take you by the hand and leading you into Heaven?
YES! What a glorious day that will be!
Dear Friend,
Today I pray that you have that expectation of
seeing Him one day!
If you don’t know Him yet, I am asking God to stir your spirit,
to open your heart to the longings that I know are there!
Only God can fill those longings and I pray
you will open yourself to Him,
accept His free gift of salvation which comes
only thru His Grace! thru faith!
Not by anything you might do!
I pray that ‘Christ may dwell in your heart through faith’ (Eph.3:17)
If you do know Him but haven’t felt His presence lately –
KNOW that His Word is the truth and He’s there
even if you don’t feel it!
If you feel lost or stagnant KNOW that He wants to,
and can, and will, change you if you are willing!
Praying Blessings on you today!
I am Resting in HIM,