

Thursday, February 26, 2009

“dear-me, see-me”

I am writing this on Wednesday – a gorgeous day!
The sun is shining, there is a nip in the air – and – an anticipation of what is to come!


I have opened the patio doors to get some fresh air inside – The chimes are softly moving and I hear their tinkling – the birds are singing!

I just went outside to replenish the bird feeder. I am always amazed at how quickly the little birds know that I have done this! It’s almost like they are watching for me!
As I returned inside I heard a call that I haven’t heard for a while...
It comes from the American Goldfinch who has been present at my feeder all winter long.
Their “song” is a long and varied series of twitters, hisses, trills etc. Yet they have a distinctive “call” which sounds like they are saying, “dear-me, see-me”. When our granddaughter was little we would listen for this bird and then we would repeat his call! She got such a charge out of that!
(As did I!)

As I listened to him this morning I thought of how often I call out to God, asking Him if He sees me and my plight!

Have you ever called these words out to Him?

It was reaffirmed for me – in my soul – that He hears, He sees, and He cares!

Praise God!

This verse came to mind and I have repeated it to myself today!

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not much more valuable than they?
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”
Matthew 6: 26-27

Dear Ones,
I pray that the truth of God’s love and care for us will settle deep in your soul today!
He will look after you!
In all your circumstances!
Give it all to Him!
Rest in this truth!
Rest in His hands!

Bless you, dear friends!

Resting totally in Him,

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