

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Potter

When I was a youngster, I would visit my Aunt and Uncle’s and, at times,
I had the opportunity to see them at work at their potter’s wheel!
This started as a hobby for them...
They had all the equipment required to make beautiful pottery...
and quickly became well known for their “Blueberry Pottery”.

Have you ever had the opportunity to watch someone at the potter’s wheel?
It is amazing how they can take a piece of clay, add water, and shape,
and press, and mold the clay into something magnificent!

That is what we are like in the hands of God!

In Jeremiah 18:1-6 God has told Jeremiah to go down to the potter’s house and HE would speak to him there.
In verse 4 Jeremiah saw that the pot the potter was working on was marred...
so the potter took the clay and formed it into a more suitable pot.

How like us –
we come to him marred – broken; soiled; cracked; with all our imperfections –
And He begins a work!

Jeremiah 18:5-6 ...Then the word of the LORD came to me:
“O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?” declares the LORD. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand.”

God was saying that He could remake, renew Israel.
He would not throw them away – He would reshape them!
Even if it was through disaster –
He could bring newness for them out of that disaster!

There was a time when those words would have frightened me!
Thinking that God was going to re-shape me!

But Hey!!!
Now I so want Him to do whatever He sees fit with me!
How freeing is that!

He is the potter – I am the clay!

I am reminded of an old hymn – “Have Thine Own Way, Lord”
(I love some of those old hymns)
Have thine own way, Lord
Have thine own way.
Thou art the potter, I am the clay.
Mold me and make me after thy will
While I am waiting, yielded and still.

I ask myself – “Can you sing those words today with all honesty? Are you yielded and still before Him? Are you ready and willing to have Him do whatever in your life to make you more like Him?”

In Verse 6 of Jeremiah 18 the LORD asks,
“O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?
I’m sure He also asks,
“O Ruthie, can I not do with you as the potter does?”
And then He goes on to tell me that I am like clay in His hands!
Thank you Lord!
For Your amazing grace and mercy to me!

I need to be totally surrendered to His work...
to the shaping and the molding.
Am I?
Are you?

There is another song I have heard called
“He Didn’t Throw The Clay Away”
I need to share these words with you as well!
Over and over, He molds me and makes me,
Into His likeness He fashions the clay,
A vessel of honor, I am today,
All because Jesus didn’t throw the clay away.

Dear Ones,
I am praying that each one reading this today has realized this truth!
He is the potter!
You are the clay!
(See Isaiah 64:8)

Tell Him you are ready for change –
Give yourself over to Him;
Allow Him to shape you into His perfect plan for you!
Nothing could be any better than that!

May His perfect peace fill you today!

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