

Friday, December 31, 2010

Last post for 2010...

Greetings dear ones on this final day of 2010.
What a year it has been - with all it's ups and downs; comings and goings; births and deaths; laughter and tears.

I am still continuing to count my many blessings - and will do so til I'm gone from this earth!
Here are the final ones for 2010:

475. Providing me with a parking space close to me appointment.
476. Travel mercies for hubby as he goes to the City and back each weekend.
477. TUMS - when my tummy is upset.
478. POWER! when it seems to be going out all around us...
479. Family coming for Christmas.
480. Seeing Madison at her school Christmas Concert b/c of the "magic" of video cameras!
481. A wonderful Christmas concert at our church.
482. A beautiful cool moonlit night - can't begin to describe the picture of the moon, clouds and trees! Magnificent!
483. Christmas day - preparing veggies, listening to Amazing Grace, sun shining in, patio door open an inch or two!
484. Christmas dinner with all the fixin's - family around the table!
485. Sunny skies, and no wind!

As we move into a new year I pray that each of us will take a moment or more to:
  • reflect on the blessings of this past year - even in the midst of difficult times!
  • cherish memories of loved ones - those that are with us and those that are gone from us for a time!
  • praise our Lord for who He is and KNOW that we would be nothing without Him in our lives!
  • dream about the possibilites of the future - whatever that might be for each one of us!
  • look outside of ourselves and see the needs around us, then decide to do something about them!
  • choose to think on those things that are true and noble and pure and lovely!

May 2011 be even more than you have imagined it might be! Blessings dear friends -


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Still Counting His Blessings!

He Blesses my life everyday!
Some days I even forget to write down what He has done for me - given to me. Forgive me , Lord, for not being ever aware of You and Your blessings to me!

465. Christmas preparations.
466. Praying sisters-in-the-Lord!
467. Freshly baked muffins - made by me!
468. Spontaneity!
469. +2 degrees C, sunshine, no wind - awesome day!
470. Safety on the road during my many travels this past month!
471. Joy in the Lord!
472. Gifts wrapped and under the tree.
473. Fish Chowder!
474. Precious sleep....

Merry Christmas to you all!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hope, Love, and Joy!

You will show me the path of life;
In your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 16:11

How thankful I am for His Life; His Joy; His Love; His Hope; His Peace!
May your day be filled with all of these, and so much more, as you live in His Presence!

Now - May the God of all PEACE fill you with His JOY!
Blessings on yah!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Still Counting....

It has been a long time since I posted to "One Thousand Gifts"... so here goes!

444. Red sky in the morning
445. Times of energy
446. A completed project
447. A clean house
448. Little children dancing in church
449. Writing again
450. My puppy's big brown eyes
451. An impromptu lunch with friends.
452. HOT water!
453. At least 100 Canadian Geese in a field one morning.
454. The smell of Apple Crisp baking
455. PEOPLE - I'm a people watcher - love to watch their interactions with others
456. A busy "Winter Market"
457. Sun, cool temps, no wind!
458. Blessed sleep without waking due to pain
459. Baking muffins
460. Hugs from Madi Joy
461. Waking up every morning feeling refreshed!
462. Energy - and more energy -
463. Safety as I travel in a terrible snowstorm
464. Calm Delight in my Lord!

May your day be blessed with abundant joy and peace!
Resting in HIM,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Singing this morning....
"I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart..
down in my heart
down in my heart!"......

You get the picture...Right?

JOY - keen pleasure or delight; calm delight.

I am soooo thankful today for the calm delight I have in my Lord and Savior!
In the midst of all the "stuff" He has given me His Joy!
Praise His Name!

Determined to keep my focus on all those things that are true and noble and pure and lovely -
(Phil. 4:8) ...
The "joy stealer" isn't havin' any of me today!

May your day be filled with peace and joy in the Lord.
May the SON be in your heart!
Blessings sweet ones!
Resting in HIM,

Friday, November 19, 2010

Blessed Assurance....

Do you have Blessed Assurance?

This refrain has been running thru my head this evening...
"This is my story, This is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long"...
I could not recall the hymn itself so I "googled it" - what did we do before we had "google" to run to?

It is the hymn - Blessed Assurance written in 1873 by Fanny Crosby - a wonderful songwriter who gave us many (over 8000) old hymns that are so precious to us... Fanny became blind at the age of 6 weeks of age due to the mistreatments of a doctor for a cold and puffy eyes. She chose to live her life with a positive, thankful attitude -

At the age of 12 she wrote these words:
O, what a happy child I am
Although I cannot see!
I am resolved that in this world
Contented I will be.

Ruthie --- how about making theses words yours? "I am resolved that in this world, contented I will be."
Reader - what about you doing the same?

Oh my dear friend!
Jesus is mine!
He has given me all I need!
He gives me Rest!
He gives me Peace!
He gives me strength!
He gives me love and forgiveness!
HE will do the same for you!

I have been on a journey of late and as the days progress I will share with you what Christ has been doing in my life and in me!
I am so thankful for the assurance I have in Him.

Blessings on you this day!
Resting in HIM,

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010

Customer Service...

What do you think of when you hear the words "customer service"?
I think of:
  • service with a smile
  • pleasant conversation
  • helpfulness

I have had some experiences in the past 3 days which have me thinking about this topic...

First event was on the telephone - an out-of-town business number was on our phone - not a business that we usually deal with - so I called them back to see who had called and what they might have wanted; the girl who answered the phone was very curt and snapped at me when I asked who had called; told me she couldn't help me at all. I couldn't believe her reaction... guess she was having a "bad day".

Secondly - the next day I had to pick up some treats for our small Group meeting that night so I went into a local large chain Grocery store... I only had a few items so went thru the Express Lane - The clerk never said a word, didn't tell me how much the groceries came to, didn't look at me nor smile... and yet, as I stepped away I overheard her begin a conversation with the gal behind me - a fellow co-worker.

Thirdly - I purchased a watch at the local WM - got it home and the battery was dead... went in the next day and the gal in the jewelry dept. was very gracious, replaced the battery, and answered some other questions for me - went out of her way to get some info for me. All done with a smile on her face and in her voice! WOW!

These events have made me very conscious of MY CUSTOMER SERVICE - I don't "work" anywhere but when I am in the public or on the phone do I portray a smiling face and voice? Do I treat people with respect? Am I kind and gracious in my intereactions?

Oh Lord, I pray for us today - that we would be a reflection of YOU in the world... that in the midst of troubles and difficulties that YOU would shine thru! Give us YOUR grace today! May we seek to develop the attitude of CHRIST in our lives! Thank You, Father, for loving us and showing us the Way!

Blessings on you all this rainy day!

Stay in the Word; seek HIM diligently; and Love Him with abandon. *** Ruthie ***

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Celebrating What???

Today is hallowe'en ... an event I don't "celebrate" ...

"To celebrate" means to observe; to commerate with festivities... and I don't participate in this. I am very fortunate to live in an area where we hardly ever see more that 5 children at our door... I do pass out candy to them - is that "celebrating"? I do not wish anyone "Happy Hallowe'en"; nor do I make Hallowe'en cards and such.

I realize that hallowe'en is a fun time for children - a time of candy, games, costumes; a time for scary stories, bobbing for apples, and so on. However, I also believe that there are people who are serious about celebrating the darker side of this event... and that disturbs me. I believe it is a spiritually dangerous time and that we as Christians must cover ourselves and our families in fervent prayer.

And - we must stand firm in the knowledge and belief that God is in control of it all - He is our Security and our Salvation; our Refuge and our Victory!
Praise His Name!

Romans 8: 38-39
For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future,
nor any powers,
neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We are secure in Him!
We are His!
He is Risen!
We are victorious!
May you be blessed and safe this day! May your hearts be full of praise and thankfulness to a Loving God!
Resting in HIM,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


PSALM 13:5-6
But I have trusted in Your mercy,
My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.
I will sing to the Lord,
Because He has dealt bountifully with me.

Monday, October 25, 2010


I have been gone from blogger land for a month -
it has been a hard month for me ... physically, emotionally, spiritually....
for we know that when one aspect of our being is affected, the rest of us is too.
I'll not go into much detail,
suffice it to say that my health has not been what it was 2 years ago ...
actually it's been worse these past 2 months...

I am learning to live with chronic pain and troubled sleep - and all that that entails!
I am learning to say NO -
I am learning to ask for help; to ask for prayer.
I am learning that I am not "wonder woman" to everyone around me.
I am learing to live without guilt -
The guilt comes from not meeting our own expectations and the expectations of those around us.
And - I am learning that all of this is OK.

"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus" - Romans 8:1

And I'm still counting my blessings ....
431. my husband who loves me unconditionally
432. beautiful sunsets
433. a double rainbow - so vibrant and close one could almost touch it!
434. laughter with girlfriends
435. God's grace and healing power
436. my smiling grand-daughter
437. Madison's laughter!
438. watching my daughter be a loving mom
439. safety as I travel
440. morning coffee
441. Hot lobster
442. lunch with hubby and friends
443. Fall flowers from hubby
Psalm 18: 1-2
I will love You, O Lord , my strength.
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
My God, My strength, in whom I will trust;
My shield and the horn of my slavation, my stronghold
Blessings on you this day!
Hold tight to HIM!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Camp Peniel - Ladies Spa Weekend

For a number of years a committe of committed Christian women have put together a yearly Ladies Spa Weekend at our local Christian Camp - Camp Peniel. Women will come to this event from all over the province and sometimes from other provinces... so for some it is a yearly renewal of earthly relationships, as well as with our God! And for others it is the beginnning of new earthly relationships - and a new relationship with God!

Peniel means "face to face with God" - over the years many women have come face to face with God in this most magnificent place.

Of course, a Spa weekend would not be complete without lots of food, fun and pampering!

Here are some of my blessings from this past weekend:

421. Hugs, Hugs, and more Hugs.

422. The lake - like a mirror - not a ripple anywhere.

423. Sunshine and warmth on Saturday - after a week of damp cold weather - God knew!

424. A star-filled night sky with a 3/4 moon.

425. Worshipping with my daughter.

426. Interpretive Dance - Amazing! Her testimony thrills my soul!

427. Karen - travelling the journey of breast cancer - surgery, treatments, and all that entails. Asking us to allow her to have a great weekend, thus revealing all to us at the very beginning! Such a courageous young woman.

428. Young teens working together as a team to clean up after us; set tables; wash dishes; and join in the fun with a skit and a game.

429. Holding a 6 week old baby girl! Oh, it's been a long time since these old arms have held a baby. So sweet and so precious! A miracle from above!

430. Fireworks - Amazing!

I so enjoyed this past weekend... and hope to partake in many more of the same.

Blessings to all you sweet readers out there...
Praying for God's Hand to be on you and for His love and joy to be in you!

Resting in Him,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September Counting....

I am awed by HIS Presence around me.... His Peace and His Joy!
He Blesses me so.... me who is so undeserving of His blessings!
He loves me - He loves you!
I pray that you too may see Him everywhere!

410. A weekend get-away with the girls.
411. Learning to color with Copics
412. The most magnificent rainbow I have ever seen - a full arch; bright colors; so close I could almost touch it!
413. Church on the beach.
414. Apple pie and ice cream
415. Laughter - so much laughter that the tears flowed!
416. New babies
417. Innocence of children
418. Madi saying, "I love you, Grammie."
419. A good nights rest
420. God's Presence in the midst!

Resting in HIM,

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Miracle of New Life!

I love this picture - this sweet little innocent babe being held in these strong, weathered hands!
A miracle for sure!

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you" Jeremiah 1:5
Oh my! He knows each one of us BEFORE we were conceived! How amazing is that?
Do you marvel at His love for you? His unfathomable compassion and grace?

Scriptures tell us that He even knows the number of hairs on our head!

As we hunker down and wait for Hurricane Earl to hit us with whatever he has on store.... rest in the knowledge that God is in control - focus on the miracles in your life - YOU being the main one. Give Him glory and praise and worship Him.

Blessings on you today!

Resting in HIM ----- *Ruthie*

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

counting higher....

I'm continuing to count my blessings...

400. Cool, morning air and sunshine

401. Madi saying to Grampie and me, "You guys laugh a lot."

402. Making pickles

403. The house smelling of pickles being made

404. Waking up to a crash of thunder and the rain coming down!

405. The morning after a rainstorm - freshness in the air.

406. Having hubby call me ``Dew``

407. a brand new puppy with those puppy-dog eyes

408. A fan blowing air on me

409. Meeting unknown women and making a connection with them.

Blessing to you, sweet readers!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

You Are Enough!

When you hear those words "you are enough" what passes thru your mind?
  • Yah! I AM the best = Pride
  • No way-not me. I'm not enough; and never will be = Self-condemnation

There is a road between these two - pride and self-condemnation - where one must travel. On this road we have a companion - Jesus Christ. The truth is HE has made us "enough" thru HIS shed blood. When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior He makes us "enough".

Think for a moment what a "prideful" life looks like - always concerned with self; puffed up; no one is any better than me, and so on. Pride destroys relationships - it is very difficult to spend a lot of time with a prideful person and feel good about yourself or them.

Think for a moment what a "self-condemning" life looks like - always concerned with self; deflated and melancholic; everyone is better than me; I will never measure up to any standards - not even my own. Self-condemnation also destroys relationships - no one wants to continually spend time at a pity-party where there is no joy or love or pleasure found.

The world tells us that aging should be avoided so you must color your hair; take out the wrinkles with botox or surgery; have breast implants to keep the breasts from sagging; have liposuction to keep other parts from getting flabby; workout 3 + hours a day to "stay in shape" - get those abs built up. The world tells us we are never enough when we compare ourselves to all the pictures we see in magazines and on TV etc.

The world tells us we will not have enough success unless we claw our way up the ladder to mega bucks per year; in the process neglecting our spouses and children. We must live in a new house with 2 or more cars in the yard... etc. Financial wealth and possessions will make us enough.

The world tells us that 'contacts' will make us enough - who we know - who we socialize with - will make us enough.

The world says that we must love ourselves, have good self-esteem and never let anyone see that we aren't "perfect" in all things.

I want you to know that YOU ARE ENOUGH!

You are enough reason for God to sacrifice His Son on the cross so that you don't have to face eternal life in hell. God - the creator of all things; the Master of the Wind and Rain and Sun and Moon and Stars loves you - YOU ARE ENOUGH!

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

God, in His goodness, wants you as His child -

John 1: 12 - Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

God, in His mercy and grace, forgives the shame and the pride, the self-condemnation and the puffyness - Colossians 3:13; Matthew 6:12; Luke 6:37

I am reminded of the shining faces of the parents of a newborn son - beaming with joy and love - this mom stays at home and loves her children with Christ's love; teaches them; guides them; builds them up in the Lord. She and her hubby have a success in their life beyond measure - never to be measured by the world's standards. THEY ARE ENOUGH! and they know it!

I am reminded of the one who shares of all she has (which is very little), and the one who shares of her bounty - both know they are enough.

I am reminded of myself - who once thought I wasn't enough - I didn't measure up to the worlds standards - but thru God's grace and love I have found that I am enough! Hallelujah! His Word tells me over and over just how much I am enough!

Dear ones, I pray today that you too will find - thru Christ in your life - that YOU ARE ENOUGH! God loves you and desires HIS best for you - that may not be as the world desires but it is so much better. If you haven't already done so, I pray you will give your life over to Him today. If you have done so and find your self living with condemnation and self-pity - talk with a mature Christian who can lead you thru the Truth of God's Word.


Blessings on you *Ruthie*

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm still counting.....

I can't seem to write anything these days - except for all the things I am grateful for! I am continuing to count and record them all... I trust you are doing so as well!

385. Ummmmmm! home-grown free-range chicken and hodge podge with local veggies!
386. The sun as a "fire-ball"
387. Meeting a goal...
388. Ice cream with friends
389. Talking with Madi on the phone.
390. Teddie wanting to play.
391. A crispness in the air
392. No humidity
393. Sharing lunch with a friend
394. Rooster crowing!
395. Cattle "moo-ing"
396. Teddie learning a new command!
397. A clean house
398. Praise music - lifting a heart of praise and worship to HIM
399. A video sent by my S-I-L from his "iPhone" - Madi and the family vacationing in PEI...

Praying for His peace and grace to fill your days!
Resting in Him

Friday, August 6, 2010

Continuing To Count My Blessings!

On this beautiful sunny afternoon -
with the birds singing and Teddie sleeping,
I am thankful for:

  • Whispering in Madi's ear of my love for her
  • Singing with Madi in the car
  • Healing tears
  • Quiet
  • Hubby's laughter
  • My wonderful daughter
  • Seeing more than 50 geese in flight!
  • A sleeping puppy
  • A work of Art - a spider's web!
  • Seeing a "home-town" boy make it big with his music.
  • A good book.

Always remember to Thank God for His hand in your life! ** Ruthie**

Sunday, August 1, 2010


"Teach me your ways, O Lord,

teach me your paths;

guide me in your truth and teach me,

for you are God my Savior,

and my hope is in you all day long."

Psalm 25:4-5

Is your hope in HIM today?
I pray it is.
May these words of David become a life prayer for you -
as they are for me!

Blessings on you - on this day that He has given to us!

Monday, July 26, 2010


Thoughts of gratitude:

360. crashing waves
361. rain washing the earth
362. a cool breeze
363. no humidity
364. that first cup of coffee in the morning
365. my grand-daughter's loving ways
366. laughter
367. thunder
368. blue skies and pure white clouds
369. fireworks lighting up the night sky
370. words of wisdom from a little child
371. new stampin' supplies
372. helping Madi make a few cards
373. playing UNO with Madi

I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders.
I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High. Psalm 9: 1-2

Have a blessed day!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Is It Worth the Ride?

Yesterday at noon my beautiful 7 year old granddaughter and I picked up my friend and her 8 year old granddaughter and headed to the beach. You'd have thought we were staying for a few days for all the stuff we had packed :) This beach is absolutely beautiful ... long, white sand, lots of sandy areas to "tuck" into with your chairs etc., beautiful green and blue water!
However, it is an hours drive away! (most beaches we go to are within 10-30 minutes away)

We parked the car in a sand dune, gathered our stuff and walked on hot white sand to the beach area...I had been there before - the other girls hadn't - this was my "gift" to them that day - I heard a collective WOW! and my grandaughter said, "This was worth the ride!"

That made my day right there!

A week or so ago our Pastor asked this question: "Is the reward of Jesus worth the risk of following?"
And I say, "yes, yes, yes!"

But some people don't answer yes to the question.... they think they have to give up too much - that the cost is too high - to follow Jesus. Not knowing - or believing - that the rewards are so much greater than anything they might give up! Besides all the wonderful "earthly" rewards such as peace, joy, patience, forgiveness, compassion, conviction... there is the eternal reward of heaven. How my heart breaks for those who answer "no".

I KNOW that someday - when I reach those heavely shores - I too will say "it was worth the ride."

Dear Ones, if you are reading this and have not met Jesus or given your life over to Him please make an effort to begin this journey - today! There is nothing you have done that is "sooo bad" that Jesus won't forgive when you repent and turn to Him. He is just waiting for you to take this step. Yes, it will be a costly ride but it will be so worth it.

Praying today for our lives to be a reflection of Him; that we may see the mysterious working of God all around us; and that the words of a little child will direct our thoughts to HIM.

Blessings and Peace to you,

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Thank You, Jesus!

"Summer days, and the livin' is easy" - these words just popped into my head ... they are from an old song from years ago - I don't rememebr the song or the singer --- just these words. This summer has been just that ... with the sunshine and the blue skies and the visits from family and ----- S0 many blessings! Here are a few more of mine!

# 346. Hugs!
#347. Crashing waves on the beach
#348. Madi covered in sand
#349. Laughter - especially Madi's
#350. A Surprise Birthday Party for me - again.
#351. Fans at night to help us sleep
#352. Sleep
#353. Family
#354. Spirit-filled preaching
#355. Faith-filled friends
#356. Precious little children
#357. Blue skies
#358. Chocolate cake
#359. God's provision

Have a blessed day dear friends! Keep your eyes forward and upward and give Him glory for your life! No matter the cicrumstances - He is there and He will carry you through!

Blessings *** Ruthie ***

Monday, July 12, 2010

Beads of Sweat...

Oh my!

The humidity has been "deafening" these past few days... with very little relief. It has cooled off a little at night and with a fan, one is able to sleep. So it was again this morning as I began my morning routine of tidying up the kitchen ... My hubby says that some mornings "hurricane Ruthie" hits the kitchen with a vengeance... :)

This morning I was emptying the dishwasher and this "popped" into my head
"Beads of sweat sit on my brow,
Beads of blood were on HIS."

This stopped me up short ... I thought about these words and tears came to my eyes as I recalled what He endured for my freedom -
Freedom in Christ -
Freedom from the consequences of my sin because He took my sin to the cross!
Freedom to live in victory!
Freedom to defeat the devil at every corner!
Freedom to give HIM praise for and in and thru my circumstances!
Freedom to live beyond my fears!
Freedom to surrender all to HIM!
Freedom to live for eternity!

Oh Father God, I praise you this morning for the gentle reminder of WHO You are and WHAT You did for me... for all of humanity. May I never again contemplate the "beads of sweat" I am enduring without thinking of the "beads of blood" He endured. May this always be a reminder to me of Your gracious love!
Praise You, Lord!

Resting in HIM,

Thursday, July 8, 2010

More Blessings!

I'm choosing today to dwell on those things that give me JOY!

333. Walking on the beach in the fog

334. Crashing waves

335. Laughter with friends

336. A message on the Answering machine from Madi - her laughter and enthusiasm make me laugh!

337. Camp fire

338. Marshmellows over the campfire

339. Seeing joy on someone's face

340. Precious little children

341. No nausea for a loved taking chemo

342. God's Daily Bread

343. Sunsets

344. Texting with my grand-daughter!

Philippians 4:8
Blessings on you all!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Circus Elephants

I read this story a few weeks ago and am feeling led to share it with you:

When circus elephants are still little and weak, they are chained to iron stakes in the ground, which prevent them from breaking free and running away. This allows their trainers to keep them close, work with them, and prepare them for their routines. What's strange is that even after the little elephants grow into huge powerful animals capable of lifting a ton or more with their trunks, they remain restricted by these same miniature stakes in the ground. Even when they are more than strong enough to yank the stake out of the ground and roam free, they don't do it. They don't even try. They remain limited by the old boundaries. Sometimes we demonstrate this type of helplessness as well. We focus on the little stake (or mistake) from our past and forget that, with God's help, we have the power to release whatever has been holding us back.

One day, after reading this story, I noticed that our little one year old, 4 pound Yorkie (Teddie) could have gotten free from his "room" (kennel) if he had but pushed on the door ... but he didn't do so. He is so used to being in there to sleep, or while we are out of the house, and not getting out until we let him out, that he didn't even try to move the door... which had not been latched properly. This has occurred a few times in the past weeks.

I began to wonder about myself.
Am I still bound by an old boundary or mistake or thought from the past?
Am I capable of pulling out the stake or shoving open the door - but because of old habits or old ways of thinking I am stuck? Or I think I am stuck?

What about you?
Can you relate to the elephants? or to Teddie?

Dear Father God,
Your Word tells us that we can do all things thru You who gives us strength! I pray, dear Lord, for myself and all who find themselves following in the footsteps of the elephants... Give us wisdom, Lord: give us Your strength, Lord - to break free - to live in the freedom Christ purchased for us on the Cross! Convict us, Father, of the "Stakes" we need to pull up - of the "doors" we need to push open! Then enable us to move in the direction You so want us to move in! I thank You, Father, for Your love, and Your grace.
In Jesus Name, Amen

Blessings on you, dear ones!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


On this muggy - humid - morning I am grateful to be living where I live; to be alive in this time of year; to be connnected to those I love!
Here are my "One Thousand Gifts" numbered from 315 - 332:

#315 - the beach #316. Freedom

#317. Strong Rain

#318. thunder

#319. chicken wings

#320. fresh veggies

#321. my man ( with granddaughter)

#322. saving grace

#323. His Living Word

#324. Reunions

#325. Family

#326. friends

#327. haircuts

#328. payday

#329. ice cream

#330. a cool breeze

#331. butterflies

#332. Freshly picked strawberries

WOW! what a blessed woman I am! How about you? Have you been keeping a gratitude journal? I strongly encourage you to begin doing this if you haven't started already!

Don't forget to smile at a stranger and to lend a helping hand today!

Blessings on yah! *Ruthie*

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday Morning Reflections -

In the midst of my circumstances I have a heart filled with gratitude today for many things....
a good nights sleep even though hubby was at work all night; friends whom I love and who love me; my sweet (naughty) puppy; our family; the singing birds; cool air after awesome heat yesterday; our old (180 years) house with it's creaky boards; crooked doorways, and slanted floors; sitting in the quietness - and KNOWing that my Gracious Heavenly Father is right here with me!

Can it get any better than this?
Not for me it can't.

Sometimes I dream of having the energy I had as a 40 year old; of being pain free every day; of a brand new, totally finished house; of a not-so-naughty puppy; ...
but those things mean nothing because I have Jesus!

HE has been teaching me over the years to develop a heart of gratitude.... what a difference this has made in my life - the way I perceive and view things. How thankful I am that He has changed my heart!

Author Tommy Newberry says "Gratitude is a conviction, a practice, and a discipline. it is an essential nutrient, a kind of spiritual amino acid for human growth, creativity, and joy." He also states that it is "a feeling, a capacity, and a choice."

feeling - sense of joy an dappreciation
capacity - a learned skill of discovery
choice - a conscious, deliberate action to focus on the blessings of life.

Whoa! A CHOICE??????? you might ask.... YES! A CHOICE!!!!!!! You can choose to be grateful - this means you take your focus off of the past or present negative and you focus on the present blessings of your life. What a difference this has made in me and in my life!

This is one of my Life Verses! and it tells me that to think on such thinks is MY Choice! I love it!!!!
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Philippians 4:8

I'll leave you with another quote... from Thomas Meston
"To be grateful is to recognize the love of God in everything he has given us and he has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of his love. Every moment of existence is a grace for it brings with it immense graces from him. Gratitude therefore takes nothing for granted, is never unresponsive, is constantly awakening to new wonder and to praise of the goodness of God for the grateful person knows that God is good not by hearsay but by experience and that is what makes all the difference.

As I write and read these words I am thinking of how I can show my gratitude today - I pray you are too.
Here are a few suggestions for you:
- before you go to sleep at night list 5 things you are thankful for - better yet, start a gratitude journal and write them down!
- send a note to a co-worker thanking them for a job well done.
- leave little thank-you notes around the house for family
- write a note of encouragement to someone who would never expect it from you
- at mealtime with family - discuss things each one is grateful for.

And the list goes on!

Praying for HIS rich blessings to fall on you today; and in the midst of LIFE may you find HIS peace and grace, and develop a heart of thankfulness and gratitude.
Resting in HIM,

Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday - again!

Here it is Monday again... where does the time go?
This past week has flown by for me -
I am so thankful that God shows Himself to me - over and over again - in the midst of it all!

Numbers 297 - 305 in my One Thousand Gifts list...
  • Fresh strawberries
  • Sausage burgers
  • Strawberry shortcake with friends
  • Watching Teddie (our Yorkie) run on the deck - thinking he's chasing the birds ... looking up into the air ... (I'm sure he's wondering why he can't get up there! :)
  • Accomplishing a task
  • The smell of freshly mown grass
  • A new kitten
  • Crossing things off my "to-do" list
  • Hubby's smile

Father God,

I thank You today for the joy you give me everyday. I thank You for the good things around me, for the people I love, and for those who love me. I give You praise for the freedom You have given to me - to every one - to choose my thoughts and thus influence my mind and my actions of the day! Praise You, Lord!

Help me to be aware of my thinking and to take responsiblilty for it. Guide me today into a place of joyful thinking - help me to live today in the moment and to keep my eyes focused on You! In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Finally, brethern, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever thigns are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things.

Philippians 4:8 (NKJV)

Resting in Him * Ruthie*

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

One Thousand Gifts -

numbers 288 thru 296:
  • family
  • hugs from Madi
  • an evening out with hubby
  • fresh free-range chicken for supper - ummmmmm good!
  • strawberries - the first of the season
  • energy - thank you, Lord!
  • a brilliant pink sunset
  • sharing a meal with friends
  • thinking that "things" can't get any worse and having God Bless in the midst of it all!

Have a blessed, God-filled day!

Monday, June 7, 2010

REJOICE - in Your salvation!

I am rejoicing this morning....

I can say with Hannah:
My heart exults and triumphs in the LORD; my horn (my strength) is lifted up in the Lord. My mouth is no loner silent, for it is opened wide over my enemies, because I rejoice in Your slavation. 1 Samuel 2:1

So much to praise Him for! So much to thank Him for!
In the midst ..... of life!
How thankful I am that He has taught me how to do this!
To give praise and thanks - in the midst!

These past 6 weeks have been extremly busy for me - today is the very first day that I will be alone in this house which God provided for us; by myself, (Hubby works all day); with all my housework done.

I plan on turning on "The Light" - Christian music on cable - filling the house with song!
Praises to Him!

I plan on spending quality time with HIM! Getting into the Word!

I plan on finding my craft table and making a few cards!

I have been so blessed by HIS plan over these past weeks - by HIS hand in my life these past weeks.... it's time to sit and reflect and write and sing!

I rejoice today in HIS salvation!
Can't imagine - don't want to imagine - what life would be like without HIM!
Thank You, Jesus!

I realize this is Monday - the day when most of the world returns to work and so on. The day when things start moving for a lot of people, at a faster pace than they did on the weekend. However, I pray that this day will be one of prasie and reflection and thanksgiving for you!

May you too, say
"My heart exults & triumphs in the LORD!"

Blessings dear ones!

Monday, May 31, 2010


I have a "singing heart" this morning!
274. Walking on the beach for the first time this season.
275. Energy!
276. Butterflies!
277. Lilacs in bloom - oh the smell! so awesome!
278. Laughter.
279. Fellowship with our Small Group.
280. Clematis in bloom.
281. Lupins popping up everywhere.
282. "Sisters-In-Christ"
283. Seeing a little one "love on" her Nana.
284. Morning coffee
285. Momma duck and 4 little ducklings trying to cross
one of the busiest streets in the area -
people stopping to allow them to get across...
blesses my heart!
286. Strong hubby!
287. Being able to brighten someone's life.
My soul finds rest in God alone;
my salvation comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
Pslam 62: 1-2

Saturday, May 29, 2010

What God Is Doing....

What is God doing in your life?
Your community?
Your home?
He's always at work , you know!

I read this quote just a few minutes ago and had to share it with you all....
"I have learned that some failures come because we ask God to bless what we are doing
instead of offering oursleves to be used in what God is doing."
Michael A. MacDonald

Do I do that?
Do I ask Him to bless my efforts instead of saying, as Moses did...
"Here I am Lord, send me."
I am learing that the blessings are awesome when I offer myself to HIM
and let HIM have the reigns of my life!
He leads where I never imagined going and He blesses -
He enables;
He equips;
He gives peace and wisdom and strength.
Thank you, Jesus!

May this be a day of reflection and decision for you.
Present yourself to Him, to be used in His work...
you'll never look back!

May these pictures bless your day as well!

May the SON shine on you today!


Monday, May 24, 2010


Are you keeping a Gratitude Journal?
Mine is such a blessing to me!

266. Healing for a "sister-friend".
267. Patio doors open and the sound of chimes in a gentle wind.
268. Walking with friends.
269. Watching a new-born calf stand up.
270. A beautiful Monarch butterfly.
271. PEACE!
272. God's immediate provision of an expressed need!
273. Moonlight!
Have a blessed day, dear ones!
Rest in Him today!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Freedom & New Life!

Freedom & New Life...

I see Jesus all around me! I thank HIM for that!

The other day we heard a scratching noise in the kitchen. We used to have a wood stove there and have had it removed. Hubby covered the "hole" with somekind of Cap, I guess it is called. Any way... the scratching was coming from inside the cap... hubby unscrewed the cover, put his hand inside, and came out with a Starling... somehow she had flown down in there and was trapped... just like we get trapped in our sin. Scratching and fighting to get out - but we need a Savior - we need a rescuer! As hubby was this bird's rescuer so is Christ for us! Hallelujah!

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Hubby took the bird to the door, opened his hand, and away she flew!
I can only imagine the relief she felt at this time!
I KNOW the relief I felt when I was saved!
Oh! the chains were gone! I'd been set free!

"Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36

Just yesterday we had a new calf born - a male - we named him Moses.
Here's a picture of him and mom...

We took a walk yesterday and everywhere are signs of new life - as well as in the pasture! Springtime is a time or renewal and re-birth ... I can't help but reflect on the New LIFE I have because of Chris't sacrifice for me! I am so thankful! Words can't express how I feel!

Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:3

Take some time today to reflect on your new life in Him and the freedom that He's brought to you! Look for evidence of HIM in your daily walk! He's there! I know you'll find Him!

May your heart be joyful today - even in the midst -
Have a thankful, favorful day in Him!


Friday, May 14, 2010

Thank You, Lord God!

from a grateful heart -
256 . His conviction on my heart
257. Doing as He instructs me to do - oh the JOY!
258. The power of prayer.
259. Baby geese abd baby ducks -
260. Hubby's smiles!
261. Sandals and capris
262. Anklets
263. A new Secret Sister to bless
264. Peace
265. Seeing "Teddie-boy", (my Yorkie), dancing around on his hind legs - makes me laugh!

Thank you Father for Your favor!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Gold Ring!

Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.
Proverbs 11: 22

I read this proverb this morning and it made me laugh... mind you, what it says is very seroius but all I could picture was a pig (one of ours) with a gold ring in his snout! :) It would look pretty funny!

Then I thought about that beautiful woman who has no discretion ( we probably all know her; maybe have been her at one time or another) - either in words, dress, manner or behavior. Not so funny!

Dear Father,
For all of us today, Lord, I pray for words that are pleasing to you, manner that shows You, dress that is modest and pleasing to the eye. Give us Your wisdom Lord to know when we are messing up and to correct it quickly! May we not be like the pig with a gold ring in its nose!
May we be open to Your prompting in our hearts.
Praise You, Lord.

Blessings on you all,

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

more counting...

May the favor of God rest on you today!

246. the smell of freshly mown grass
247. the blossoms of spring popping up everywhere
248. sunshine
249. His JOY & PEACE - "in the midst"
250. recognizing HIS workings in & and on my heart - amazing!
251. praying with hubby
252. a newborn baby
253. friends
254. Mr. Cardinal singing me a song
255. tears of joy

Have a blessed day dear ones!
I have missed writing here but God has been up to other things with me these past couple of weeks!

Resting in HIM

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm a Queen Anne's Lace - what are you?

After hearing a story the other day about the dandelion I've been pondering what type of flower I am. Have you ever asked yourself that question? As I write that I think that there probably is a Quiz or Test "out there" that one could take that would give them the answer to such a question.
I don't mean the type of flower such as a rose, or lily, or orchid, or a daisy .... what I mean is - am I a weed or a pristine horticulturally "pleasing-to-the-senses" flower?

What kind of flower am I?
Am I a weed that pops up anywhere at any time? Or am I isolated and growing only in my own garden of friends? Ummmmm? I realize that weeds can be a nuisance, but to a child they are beautiful flowers. And isn't our faith supposed to be "childlike"? Have you ever been handed a handful of "flowers" by a little child saying, "I picked these just for you."? What is any more precious than those weeds at that time? Nothing.

Am I the Christian who sticks only to her "own kind"? Or am I "out there" - popping up where least expected - with a gentle word, a kind attitude, a pleasing smile? Do I show the Love of Christ to all around or am I legalistic and rigid?

If I can choose I want to be a WEED - Queen Anne's Lace ...

Father God -
Make me a weed. Even if some people don't like to see me "pop up" ... make me a weed. A weed for You! Grow me for You! Prune me as You see fit... but make me a weed I pray! I want to be the aroma of Christ in this world... and if I do that best as a dandelion or a daisy or a buttercup - then so be it! Thank you, Lord, for Your work in me! Amen.

Dear ones - I pray you will think about this today asking God to form you, to shape you, to prune you into the flower that He can use - wherever your daily walk takes you. Blessings on you, sweet ones. Have a restful day in Him.

Here are some photos of flowers that I've been collecting ... none of these are my original photos (although I do have a collection started) ... enjoy!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Missing In Action -

My laptop is on the fritz .... Well - Not really the computer - but the power cord to it.... apparently some little creature (Teddie, I assume) has chewed his way almost through the cord and bare wires were showing. I keep it plugged in most of the time so hadn't checked the cords for a looooong time. I am waiting almost a week for a new cord to become available to me.

Lesson ... be more aware of his chewing (I thought he had gotten over this foolishness) and keep the cord up and out of his reach.

So, I have taken over hubby's computer to some degree .... but it doesn't have all my favorites listed in it! Nor the pics and 'stuff' I've had ready for posting ... but you know the old saying "beggars can't be choosy" ...

PATIENCE!!!! This is the second lesson I'm learning - no sense throwing a hissy-fit because that won't change a thing! I have to WAIT! and be PATIENT! Waiting is so hard! Do you find that too? or am I the only one? I think this is the main lesson I am supposed to learn thru this minor inconvenience ... as that is what it is - a minor inconvenience. If I can learn to be more patient in the little things I will be able to be more patient in the bigger things.

But what does all that mean, anyway?

To WAIT - "to hold oneself ready for an arrival or occurrence; to be in expectation of something."
To be PATIENT - "able to put up with problems or pain without complaining or becoming angry."
HMMMMM. How often everyday do we find ourselves in the "waiting mode"? Or being "impatient " about something
Here's my list - what does yours look like?
  • at the street lights - waiting for that green light so I can dash off to whereever I am going. Don't those red lights seem really looooong sometimes?
  • in the line-up at the grocery store when I really need to get home to start supper...
  • for the arrival of snail-mail as I am expecting something exciting to arrive shortly... or maybe not so "shortly".
  • for the courier to arrive with the package from Stampin' Up
  • for a client to show on time this time
  • for hubby to get ready so we can head out to Small Group on time
  • for hubby to arrive home from the Market
  • for the kids to get here safely after a 3-hour drive
  • will we have customers today to help us pay the mounting bills?

On and on the list goes... As I look at this list I am reminded that none of these mean much in the big scheme of things - as my friend sits waiting for the results of the tissue removed during surgery - "did the cancer spread or not... and what does either outcome mean for our lives at this moment?"

The patience needed to sit and wait for my computer cord is so minimal compared to the "waiting" she is experiencing right now... and the patience she needs for this. This kind of patience can only come from our gracious Savior -

Then I'm reminded of HIS return - we don't know the day or the hour; but we do KNOW this! He will return! Praise God! See 1 Thessalonains 4:13-18 - we must be patient and await this return of Christ. How hard that is somethimes when I see the world in the mess it is in. I keep reminding myself that HE knows it all and HIS plan is at work; HE will prevail!

Father God, I pray today for the fruit of the Holy Spirit to be evident in our lives - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Fill us with YOUR Spirit, Lord ... may we be evidence in the world of YOU by virtue of our ability to wait patiently; by our love and kindness, our goodness... none of which are possible without Your presence in our lives. How we await Your return! Thank You, Father, for sending your Son to save us and not to condemn us! We Praise You, Lord!

Blessings on each one today. Resting in HIM ... *RUTHIE*

Monday, April 5, 2010

Counting ......

How humbling it is to recognize God's hand in and through and over my life!
Thank You, LORD! -

230. Our children - all together - with us! Awesome!
231. God's Provision.
232. A starlit sky!
233. April 3rd - temps of 20 degrees Celsius.
234. The Empty Tomb! Praise God!
235. Walking and talking with our granddaughter.
236. Easter egg hunting.
237. Chocolate.
238. Birthday Cake!
239. Sitting in the sun!
240. Rest!
241. The songs of the birds.
242. Answered Prayer.
243. Snuggling with Madi at the end of a busy day!
244. My hard-working hubby
245. God's Word - in my head and in my heart!

Blessings on you today!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter 2010!

May you have a blessed Easter.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More Gifts!

More of my blessings!

220. A glorious day - working in the gardens - I love this time of year!

221. Waking up to sunshine and birds singing.

222. Spending a day with hubby!

223. Mr. Cardinal at my feeder!

224. Peepers! March 23

225. Laughter and fun with friends.

226. God's conviction.

227. God's grace.

228. Energy - renewed.

229. His providing us with our "daily bread".

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"give us this day our daily bread"

Hubby and I have been reading the Word and praying together each morning now for a few weeks... [some day I'll share that "miracle" with you all.]
We pray each morning for God to have His way with the farm, the business, and us. Money is very tight and the business is not going very well -however, we trust Him to provide, and to do what needs to be done.

I feel led to share these 2 circumstances with you in the hopes that this will uplift you and increase your faith.

Last week hubby required "X" dollars in order to go to the Halifax Farmers Market on the weekend. Business was very slow all week - barely sold a thing! However, by Friday supper time he had what he needed to make this treck to the city.

A God-incident for sure!
He provided for our daily bread!

[for those who don't know - my husband has a farm and raises free-range chicken - as well as cattle and pigs - and has a Provincially Inspected Poultry Abattoir (slaughter facility) here.]

Today - hubby needed to go to the Valley to pick up baby chicks to begin the free range process for another year... he needs them now in order to have fresh chicken by June... as of this morning he did not have the $ to purchase them. By noon time he had sold enough product to be able to make that trip to get new chicks!

Another God-incident!
He provided again!

Praise the Lord! He is sooooooooooooooo good!
I give Him thanks for the lesson(s) He is teaching us at this time!
May we learn it (them) well!

I pray this encourages you - when you may feel at your lowest know that God still has your best interest at heart! He will provide what you need , when you need it! He will give you your "daily bread" ... remain faithful to Him and place your trust in Him - there is no other way!

God Bless you today!
Resting in HIM!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Forget Not His Benefits

Psalm 103:2-6
Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits –
who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.

These words from the Word were part of my study this morning and they really hit me anew.
My heart is filled with thanksgiving to my Heavenly Father who has bestowed His benefits on me – such an undeserving one!
How I praise Him for His grace and mercy to me.
As you read these words and think on the message here I pray that your heart, too, will be filled with thanks and praise to HIM.

His benefits:
· Forgiveness
· Healing
· Redemption
· Crowns of love and compassion
· Satisfaction of our desires
· Renewal
· Righteousness
· Justice

Does that not thrill your soul?
Dear one, I pray it does!

Ask yourself these questions....
What does this mean for my life?
Do I reflect the glory of His benefits in my life?
How can I do a better job of doing this?

Be intentional - Make a decision to reflect on this portion of Scripture throughout the day; write these verses on a file card; carry them with you; read them often; make them a part of who you are! Fill your heart with His message to you! How blessed you will be!

Dear Abba - Father,
I give you thanks and praise for your benefits to us. May we never for a moment take You for granted. May we stand in awe of what You have sacrificed for us. May we realize how much You love us. And may we bask in YOU every moment of every day!
I thank You for Your forgiveness and redemption; for the renewal that You bring into our lives; for the healing, love and compassion that You bestow on us; for Your justice and Your righteousness. Praise You, Lord.
In Jesus Name,

Resting in HIM,

Saturday, March 27, 2010


A "doodlers" reflection on Easter.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son,
that whosoever believeth in him,
shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Invitation to the Thirsty.

What are you thirsty for?
Fame? Fortune? Health? Peace? Love without pain?
What might it be?
I have been "sitting" this week in Isaiah - and feel the need to share this with you.
If you are thirsty - here is the answer! HE is the answer!
Isaiah 55
1. "Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters:
and you who have no money, come, buy, and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.
2. Why spend money on what is not bread,
and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.
3. Give ear and come to me;
hear me, that your soul may live.
I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faitful love promised to David.
4. See, I have made him a witness to the peoples,
a leader and commander of the peoples.
5. Surely you will summon nations you know not, and nations that do not know you
will hasten to you, because of the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel,
for he has endowed you with splendor.
6. Seek the LORD while he may be found;
call on him while he is near.
7. Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts.
Let him turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him,
and to our God, for he will freely pardon.
8. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
9. "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thougths higher than your thoughts.
10. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven
and do not return to it
without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
11. so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose
for which I sent it.
12. You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills
will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
13. Instead of the thornbush will grow the pine tree, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow.
This will be the LORD's renown,
for an everlasting sign,
which will not be destroyed."
Dear Father God,
Bless those reading Your words today -
may they see You; may they grow deeper in love with You than ever before.
You are an awesome God.
We do not understand Your ways,
but Lord, we know that You will accomplish what You need to -
in our lives and on this earth.
Thank You for Your unfailing love, for Your compassion, for Your peace.
May we hear you today!
In His name,

Monday, March 22, 2010

How much does Jesus love you?

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Have You Forgiven?

We had a little incident at our place yesterday... Grampie borrowed my camera Wednesday evening for something he needed to do and the card didn’t get put back into it. When I went to use it on Thursday I discovered this. Come to find out the card is in hubby’s brother’s pocket... And today he went to the “city” – 3 hours drive away.
Well. Needless to say I was not impressed. As our 7 year old granddaughter, Madi, would say – “Grammie’s getting anxious.” Hubby confessed that he had “done wrong” so I had to forgive him & let it go.
Later that day my daughter, Madi, and I were doing some beading. Madi made a beautiful necklace and I said, “Oh. I can’t even take a picture of it because Grampie messed up my card.”

Madi says, “Grammie. Haven’t you forgiven him?”
My reply, “Yes, darlin’. I have forgiven him.”
Her response, “Well, if you have forgiven him then you’re not supposed to talk about it again.”

That one hurt!
Big Lesson!
From a 7 year old!!!!

I’m sure you have heard the phrase – “from the mouth of babes”...
Well! This one was from the mouth of a very smart little girl!
How I pray that she gets this lesson early on in life and understands the implications of it .

We are so forgiven by our Heavenly Father – how can we not forgive our family, friends, and our enemies.

Dear ones,
My prayer for you today is that this is a lesson you have already learned and been able to practice. Know that you are forgiven; that your Father never brings it up again.

1 Corinthians 13:5 (speaking of love)
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Psalm 103: 8-12
The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.
He will not always accuse, nor will he harbour his anger forever:
he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;
as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Blessings on you today. May you meditate on this lesson and if you feel the Holy Spirit prompting you to do something in a situation in your life then follow His lead. Have a forgiving heart! Be the one to take the high road and be an example of Christ to those around you!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

I am soooooo Grateful!

March Break!
What a wonderful week it has been - the weather has been superb!
Spring is definitely in the air!
My list of one thousand things to be thankful for continues to grow!
#209. Patio doors open and sunshine and fresh air filling the newly cleaned house (March 8)
#210. A pair of ducks swimming in the pond!
#211. Birds singing - early morning.
#212. "Snowdrops" popping up everywhere!
#213. Waking up to hugs and kissess from my precious granddaughter.
#214. Spending time in the Word and in prayer with hubby!
#215. Beads, beads, and more beads.
#216. Walking on the track.
#217. Gorgeous, warm, sunshine
#218. Making cards with all the girls
#219. Sitting on the swing on the veranda - in glorious warm sunshine. (March 17)
May your life be blessed!
Have a wonderful "rest of the week".
Seek HIM in the midst of everything!
Psalm 9:10
Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

They Sang A New Song ...

Are you singing a "new song" today?
Or has it been a while since you've felt able to do that?
Revelation 5:9 ... "then they sang a new song."

I don't want to take this one verse out of context but I just have to say that its words thrill me!
With our SAVIOR!
Can you picture it?

The One who was slain for our iniquities [Isaiah 4:6]; the One who purchased our redemption with His blood; the One who loved the world so much that He went to the cross for the world - IS WORTHY OF ALL PRAISE!

In Chapter 5 of the Book of Revelation we are told how John saw the angels encircling the throne the elders and living creatures singing:
V. 12 "Worthy is the Lamb , who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!"
V. 13 .... every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them singing:
"to him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!"

Dear ones,
O, my prayer for you today is that you are singing the redemption song here on earth today! And that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that someday you'll be in glory singing around the throne!

As I sit here writing this and contemplating His Word and what HE means to my life, I receive a phone call that another saint has gone to be with the Lord! How sad I am for family and friends - but how my heart sings for him! He is now in the heavenly realms - no more pain, no more confusion, no more suffering! Singing a new song! Praise the LORD!

Blessings sweet ones,
Resting in Him,